How do I print the full amount in words for the originating currency?
Mekorma has added the Microsoft Dynamics GP fields Amount in Words (Techknowledge 857824) and Amount in Words (Techknowledge 857824) with Word Wrapping. These fields print out the full amount in words for originating currency as long as the spoken language is the same as the language for the functional currency. The fields are located in the Payment category of the Mekorma Configurator. In order to use the new field, delete the old field and add the new one.
The Amount in Words that prints on Dynamics GP and Mekorma MICR checks will print in actual words when the check is printed in the functional currency. When it is not printed in the functional currency, the Amount in Words will print as numerals. If you would like your Amount in Words to print in words instead of numerals for checks in a non-functional currency, Dynamics GP provides a multi-lingual feature. Mekorma MICR is fully compatible with the Dynamics GP Multilingual Checks feature.